Women’s Day 2013 – Antonella Mularoni

Antonella Mularoni Present Captain Regent and Former French Defense and Interior Minister

Dear friends, ladies and gentlemen,
I am extremely pleased to attend this conference together with women from different parts of the world.

I thank the women’s committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran for invitation and for making this possible, special thank of course to Mrs. Maryam Rajavi.
I got acquainted with the Iranian Resistance movement when I was minister of foreign affairs for my country, San Marino. And I am glad to say that there was and still is a strong support for the National Council of Resistance of Iran in our parliament.

Today justice has prevailed. The organization is no longer in the terror list and many allegations about disbelief of this movement in democracy have faded away. There is no doubt and strong indication that this movement truly believes in democracy, the status of women and its rank and their great achievement with regards to women’s rights. In this respect, I congratulate Mrs. Rajavi and those women working with great passion within this movement to achieve the goal of more democracy and more respect for human rights and fundamental freedom in Iran.

As we are gathering to celebrate the international women’s day, the situation in Iran is still attracting the attention of governments and media throughout the world from different perspectives. I have no doubt that participation of Iranian women in the uprising and key positions in the resistance movement indicate that such struggle for liberty and respect for human rights will definitely lead to a historical victory with women as its main hero. What women are doing right now in camp Liberty is the shining part of the struggle. The camp is under constant threat and the women of the camp are standing at the forefront.

We are pleased to see that all major international organizations protested against the attack on February 9 on camp Liberty, a clear and intolerable violation of fundamental human rights. We deeply hope that no further bloodshed in camp Liberty will occur and the massage send by the international community be clearly heard. It is imperative to remove these people to a safer place. Camp Ashraf with no doubt is a safer place. Trenches and trench buildings can protect the residents against such attacks.

All possibilities must be explored to secure the return of camp Liberty residents to camp Ashraf. To provide protection for the refugees is an imperative international obligation. We must avoid the situation to turn into a disaster. I can assure you that my country will be together with you in this struggle.

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