New crackdown on women dressing like ‘mannequins’

NCRI – April 29, 2013 – The Iranian regime has launched a tough new crackdown on ‘inappropriately dressed’ women who ‘flaunt themselves on the streets.’
The regime’s deputy chief of police Brigadier-General Ahmad-Reza Radan has said he will not tolerate the presence of what he branded ‘walking mannequins’ in public.

The draconian restrictions on personal freedoms are part of the Iranian regime’s ‘social and moral security plan’ to be enforced in Tehran and 17 other cities.
Walking or driving with dogs, having tinted windows on a car and being ‘improperly veiled’ or playing loud music while driving are all also included in the latest clampdown.
Radan said on Sunday: “Based on public demand and a judicial decree, we will not allow any walking mannequins to show themselves off on the streets.
“These people flaunt themselves on the streets and think they can get away with it. But they should know that the police will deal with those breaking the norms of society by showing themselves off.

“We will confiscate the vehicles of those with improper veiling until the law can take its course. We are also trying to increase the monetary penalties for these kinds of violations.”
He added: “Dealing with those carrying dogs and travelling with pets inside vehicles is also forbidden. We will not allow anyone to flaunt themselves and their dogs on the streets. Vehicles creating noise pollution will also be confiscated.”
Plans for tough new punishments for people selling ‘improper clothing’ are also in place, Radan said, adding: “In the plan to deal with unsuitable clothing, not only those wearing the clothes will be dealt with but also the stores that sell the clothing.”

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