Iran: How did Farzaneh spend her last moments before being executed?

State-run Etemad daily wrote: “Yesterday at dawn, everything was about life and death in front of Isfahan Central Prison. According to what was previously announced, Farzaneh had to face ‘Qesas’. Her parents did not have a moment of sleep last night.

They were present in front of the jail hours in advance. Their daughter was to be executed in a few hours. Farzaneh’s father kept walking, uneasily. Her mother was sitting and praying. They had experienced this one time before. Farzaneh went to the gallows exactly one month earlier but her father-in-law gave her another month more to live while the noose was round her neck.

“Her parents wished he would grant her another chance to live or that a miracle would happen. Minutes later, a vehicle arrived and a man stepped out of the car. He looked familiar; it was Farzaneh’s father-in-law. The parents rushed to him and started begging. Farzaneh’s mother wept, hoping her daughter would escape the ‘Qesas’. However, the man had made up his mind. He passed them very quickly. Farzaneh’s mother cried, maybe her daughter would hear her voice for the last time through the high prison walls. No one had any news from the other side of the wall. Sunlight began to appear on the eastern side of the wall. The mother had no more power. Waiting to hear news from her daughter, she leaned on the wall until the iron door opened one more time.

The ambulance which had entered the prison an hour earlier, left it but this time with Farzaneh was lying calmly on its stretcher. Her father held his head between his hands and cried. As the ambulance moved away, there was no more hope for the couple to meet their daughter again.

Farzaneh’s mother who is in critical psychological condition said yesterday evening: “A day earlier my husband and I went to the prison. My daughter was in a bad condition. She cried and swore that she was innocent. She could not stand on her feet and was not able to talk easily. She wanted to see her daughter as her last will. We conveyed her will to the authorities and her father-in-law, but it was useless. Even her last wish did not come true.

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