Women’s unemployment in Iran is 2.5 times that of the men

Iran’s Census Center published the report on Iran’s work force in autumn 2013.
According to a report by Deutsche Welle, the statistics for economic participation for all individuals over 15 years of age is 40.1%. By gender criteria, this statistics is 68.1% for men and 12.3% for women.

The rate of economic participation is calculated by taking the number of active people in the population that have reached working age (considered 15 and older in this statistics).
These numbers indicate that the rate of women’s economic participation in Iran’s economy is even lower than Iran’s neighboring countries.
The rate of economic participation for women (according to the statistic presented by the World Bank in 2013) is 16% and 24% for Afghanistan and Pakistan respectively. This number for Qatar, Turkey and Iraq is estimated at 50%, 29% and 15% respectively.
The rate of economic participation for women in countries of Germany, Netherlands and United States is 54%, 80% and 57% respectively.
Up to date information from Iran’s Cencus Center also indicates that the rate of women’s participation for 2013 has decreased with respect to 2009 and dropped from 16% to slightly over 12%.
Iranian women have a higher share in the rate of unemployment
The rate of unemployment for those over 15 years old reached 10.3% in autumn of 2013 and the number of unemployed was over 2.401 million. The rate of unemployment from men is 8.5% and for women is 20.3%.
Although that the rate of unemployment for men in autumn of 2013 shows a 0.8/% decrease with respect to the same period the year prior, but according to this same statistics, the rate of unemployment of women experienced a 2.8% increase and the number of unemployed among Iranian women increased.
According to the statistics from the World Bank, the rate of unemployment for women in countries of Qatar and Turkey was 2.8% and 10.8% respectively. This economic indicator for the countries of Germany, Netherlands and the United States were respectively 5.2%, 5.2% and 7.9%. The rates of unemployment for men in these countries are respectively 5.6%, 5.3% and 8.2% which shows this indicator is higher for men in these countries.
In Qatar and Turkey, the rate of unemployment for men is respectively 0.1% and 8.5%.
According to Iran’s Census Center, an individual is considered employed if he or she works one hour a week. Meanwhile, the trainees and those working for their family members without a salary are also considered employed. A person is considered unemployed if he or she is ready for work and has tried to find a job but has been unsuccessful. (Deutsche Welle – March 30, 2014)

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