Iran: Shojuni: Flogging awaits those who do not wear the correct hijab

Jafar Shojouni, officially stressed on the repression of women under the pretext of hijab and said: “We are the Islamic republic and therefore our streets must not be a place for those who wear hijab and use makeup. They purposely do this to lower security in the society.

In my view wearing tight cloths and makeup is defiance to the establishment. That is why they must be arrested and subjected to the most severe punishment.  If those who don’t wear hijab understand that flogging awaits them, they will correct themselves.” He continued: “How can we be indifferent to this issue that girls without hijab divert boys. They provoke our youth in the streets and that is why they must be guided and corrected.”

(ISNA state-run news agency – August 12, 2014)

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