Major demonstrations in Mahabad protesting against Iranian regime and death of young Kurdish woman

On May 4, 2015 a 26-year old woman was forced to throw herself off a four-story hotel in the city of Mahabad, to escape an agent of the Iranian regime’s Intelligence MInistry who intended to rape her. Farinaz Khosravi died instantly. Farinaz, who had a Bachelor’s degree in computers, provided for her family’s expenses by working in this hotel.

It is said that when Farinaz learned of the filthy intention of the Ministry of Intelligence agent, she tried to call a few friends to save her. However, the hotel owner had made previous arrangements with the agent and locked the doors to prevent any escape.

The victim’s family, urged a follow-up on the death of their child, has been threatened by the Ministry of Intelligence to not conduct any interviews with the media.

Following Farinaz’s death, the youth in the city of Mahabad condemned this crime and took to the streets to demonstrate on May 7, 8 and 9. The protesting youth also attacked the regime’s Ministry of Intelligence office in this northwestern Iran city. They also set posters of Khamenei and Khomeini ablaze across the city and clashed with anti-riot guard units. The youth of Mahabad also burnt the ground floor of the Tara Hotel where Farinaz had tried to escape the rape. Protesters then headed towards the Ministry of Intelligence office where

they were faced with pellet gun shots and tear gas.

Reports indicate that a number of people were killed and dozens wounded. Up to the morning of May 8, 2015 at least 50 people were injured and 700 were arrested by various security forces. Many of those arrested were also injured.

Mahabad residents closed their stores and the bazaar as a sign of protest on 8 May. The atmosphere in the city is very intense and the regime’s repressive agents have closed all intersections and major areas. On Friday, other Iran Kurdish cities were also very tense and

the regime’s forces were mainly on high alert. The people of Sanandaj, the capital of Iran’s Kurdistan Province, held widespread demonstrations and gatherings in solidarity with the Mahabad uprising. State security forces (SSF) had stationed a group of their forces every 20 meters in fear of the spread of protests.

Fearing major demonstrations the regime disrupted communications lines on 9 May and significantly decreased Internet speed, especially in Sanandaj.

Men and women in Sardasht joined in solidarity with the people of Sanadaj to commemorate Farinaz’s courage and to protest against the Iranian regime.Iranian Resistance

President-elect Maryam Rajavi issued a statement on 8 May hailing brave Farinaz Khosravani and expressing her deepest condolences and sympathy to her family.

She also praised the people of Mahabad for this act of protest and called on all youths to support their uprising.

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