Iran: Tight security control in Kurdish cities, regime’s response to popular protests

Residents of the city of Sanandaj, capital of Iran’s Kurdistan Province, said their hometown has turned into a big military base. Plainclothes agents are overtly stationed in all streets, intersections and squares along with State Security Forces and anti-riot units, preventing every two person moving around together.

Agents are showing very harsh behavior towards bystanders and are issuing various warnings to them for no reason at all. At a rally on May 9 in the city of Sardasht, anti-riot guards arrested 30 protesters including three women. In this rally protesters were chanting, “Mahabad is not alone” and “We are all Farinaz”.

The heartbreaking death of Farinaz Khosravani, in an attempt to free herself from rape by a filthy agent of the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence, has instigated widespread protests. In addition to Iranian Kurdistan, people in other countries including Iraq have staged numerous rallies and demonstrations.

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