Iran: Misogynist laws are roots of 20-year old woman setting herself ablaze

A college girl set herself ablaze on 7 May in Shiraz University’s parking lot and lost her life on 11 May. She was studying accounting and was only 20 years old.

According to informed sources an individual had begun seeing this young women with arrangements of getting married with her, and also taking advantage of this situation. When this young woman realized images and films of her were being published, she saw no choice other than to commit suicide and set herself ablaze.

It noteworthy that under the mullahs’ misogynist laws the punishment for adultery is stoning. Furthermore, in the mullahs’ judiciary that is engulfed with discrimination against women, when a woman is placed in such a situation she has no means to file a complaint and follow-up on the issue, and in the end, she is the one found guilty.

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