Iran: Rouhani government issues stoning for woman

News agencies in Iran reported on 9 December, “The murder suspects of a young man have been sentenced to death, stoning and prison.

The ruling, issued with the signature of the head and advisors of branch 2 of Gilan Province’s Criminal Court, state that the first degree defendant accused (R.A.) is convicted to one count of ‘qisas’ (eye for an eye), and the second degree defendants (A.Kh.) and (S.A.) have been sentenced to 25 years prison for their role in the murder.

The first and second degree defendants in the case will also receive 100 lashes, and one of the second degree suspects has been sentenced to stoning. Furthermore, if the stoning is not carried out, based on the agreement of the court and the judiciary, the defendant should be executed.”

(Hrana – December 9, 2015)

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