Iran: Sky patrols to prevent women’s defiance of mandatory veil

The Greater Tehran’s State Security Force Commander announced that SSF forces are going to be stationed in sky resorts and mountainous areas to monitor public places and prevent moral and social crimes.

Hossein Sajedinia said sky patrols will be stationed in significant numbers at famous sky resorts of Tehran like Shemshak, Darbandsar and Towchal. The patrols will have female forces to monitor moral and social “abnormal behaviors” like taking off the veil, improper veiling, playing of cheerful music and other activities that are considered crime under the mullahs’ rule in Iran.

Previously, mountains were secluded areas away from state control where people could entertain and do things as they wished. The clerical regime, however, cannot tolerate even such limited and secret freedoms for the Iranian people and women in particular.

(Official IRNA news agency, December 14, 2015)

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