Iran: Prisoner of conscience in dire conditions

Prisoner of conscience Roya Saberi is in dire conditions in Tehran’s Evin Prison.

Ms. Saberi, 47, suffered from a nervous attack in the beginning of last week and underwent another three more seizures during the week. She was injured in the head once she fell down on the ground for the first time. It is said that her condition was caused by use of a wrong medication prescribed for her.

Pleas for her transfer to a hospital outside have gone unheeded as officials are afraid of leakage of news of their misconduct in this case.

Ms. Roya Saberi Nejad Nobakht is a British-Iranian citizen who was arrested when she paid a visit home in Shiraz in October 2013. She was active in the social networks. She is charged with organizing and complicity against national security, publicity activities against the regime, insulting sanctities, insulting heads of the branches and insulting various people.

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