Iran: Two women arrested in traditional winter ceremony in Karaj

Intelligence Ministry agents launched a night raid on a house in Karaj on December 21, 2015, where families had gathered to celebrate the traditional feast of Yalda, the longest night of the year.

They thoroughly inspected the house and arrested two women by the names of Fatemeh Rezvani and Azar Karvandi who were among the guests and took them to an unknown location.

Fatemeh Rezvani is sister of Qassem Rezvani, a member of the opposition PMOI who was killed in the September 1, 2013, massacre in Ashraf. Azar Karvandi is a former political prisoner of the 1980s, whose son is a member of the opposition and among the freedom fighters at Camp Liberty, Iraq.

Intelligence Ministry agents subsequently attacked the houses of the said women and confiscated their family photo albums and other personal belongings. No information is available on their whereabouts.

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