Iran: Low marriage age to impact education

“Glad tidings for high school students! Their education term will be compressed so that when they engage in married life, they would have already finished at least one stage of their higher education”.

The shocking comment is excerpted from remarks by Kobra Khazali (pictured), head of the Cultural-Social Council of Women and Family, to a news briefing on Sunday, June 19, 2016.

She reported to the press that her council had presented the Plan for Completion of High School Education by 15, for adoption to the Supreme Council of Cultural Revolution.

Khazali brazenly added, “Since girls mature at 9 and boys at 15, the education term needs to be compressed so that our children would get their diplomas by 15 and their bachelor’s at 18.”

Speaking with the mullahs’ “nuclear” lexicon, she described this disastrous measure as “enrichment” and added, “Enrichment of the education term can help our children’s married life.”

In this exceptional case, one should thank God that women and girl children are entirely ignored by the clerical regime, otherwise this misogynist woman would have proposed to set the age of high school diploma at 9! So much for “moderation” under Rouhani. Instead of correcting the regime’s constitution and raising the legal age of marriage, they are destroying the education of Iranian children because of this outdated vision.

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