Iran: Sahar Beheshti, husband beaten up and arrested

Security agents attacked the residence of Ms. Gohar Eshghi, in the afternoon of Friday, August 26, 2016, beating up and arresting Sahar Beheshti and her husband.

They blocked the roads to Ms. Eshghi’s residence and prevented people from attending the birthday celebration for the slain web blogger Sattar Beheshti.

Starting in the morning, the Intelligence Ministry phoned those intending to attend the ceremony and threatened them with arrests.

Sattar Beheshti, 35, was a worker and a web blogger who wrote articles critical of the government. He was arrested at home on October 30, 2012, and killed under torture after only four days.

Mr. Beheshti’s mother and sister had publicly announced that they would celebrate his birthday on Friday afternoon.

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