Iran: Golrokh Iraee boycotted the elections from inside jail cell

Golrokh Iraee boycotted the elections from inside jail cel

Human rights activist Golrokh Iraee sent an open letter from Evin Prison and wrote about the reasons she will not participate in the upcoming presidential election in Iran. In part of her letter, she wrote:

A year after Khatami took office, there was the attack on Tehran University’s dormitory. Many students were butchered and sent to prison and a large number were forced to leave the country. Some forcibly disappeared and are still missing. The family of Saeid Zeinali are still looking for a trace of their son after 18 years…

The early stage (of the clerical regime’s rule) was marked by the Cultural Revolution, mass executions of the 1980s and the massacre of political prisoners in 1988… Khatami’s era of reform did not bring about anything but more killing and crackdown on students and intellectuals. Ahmadinejad emerged after his eight years in office and the 2009 tragedy took place under him…

Indeed, name one government under whom we did not see arrests, humiliation, and executions.  What are the bases for claims on freedom, security and calm in society?…

We long for a day when parties and true representatives with diverse beliefs can take part in the elections in our country. Until then, I will refuse to take part in the election which is just a show of force for a monopolist rule of oppression and tyranny and is aimed at fooling the public. And I will actively endeavor to create an atmosphere for freedom of activity for all parties in an Iran that is free from the yoke of despotism

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