Iran: Shahin Mahinfar declared she won’t cast a ballot

Shahin Mahinfar, a human rights activist, denounced the Iranian regime’s upcoming elections and declared that she “will not vote for the murderers of (her) children.”

Ms. Mahinfar’s young son, Amir Arshad Tajmir, was ran over by security forces’ vehicle during an uprising on December 27, 2009, after the people of Iran protested the rigged elections that year.

She wrote in her post, “Everyone is free to vote, but I wish they would understand that the young men and women who get killed in prisons have no one to help them. They are also Iranians and from the same race. They need jobs for a decent life. They sympathize with the street children. Their heart bleeds for the fathers who sell their kidneys to win their children’s bread… They want freedom to talk about their suffering… They are in pain and they need some cure, they need hospitals and doctors and medicine. They want insurance for themselves and bread for their children… They demand their human dignity and they don’t want to be insulted and humiliated. You are free to vote for any candidate out of respect for a friend or for any other reason. But I will not vote for the murderers of my children.”

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