Iran: Isfahan’s moral security patrols step up their activities

Isfahan’s moral security patrols step up their activities

The Moral Security Police in Isfahan Province has stepped up its activities to confront women who do not properly observe the veil.

Deputy Commander of the State Security Force of Isfahan, Jahangir Karimi, said, “The activities of the Moral Security Police are not restricted to any special season, but it has to constantly deal with public manifestations of improper covering and no covering… In Isfahan Province, if the Moral Security Police detects people who have improper covering in their cars, they will deal with them.”

Karimi reiterated, “Moral Security patrols are active in esplanades as well as in police stations in various parts of the city. In addition to giving warnings and counsel to people who have improper covering, they introduce them to judicial authorities should they repeat this behavior.” (The state-run Fars news agency – June 3, 2017)

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