Iran: The stadium doors are still closed to Iranian women

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A technical disorder in the website selling tickets for a football match caused trouble for the Iranian Football Federation and confusion for women eager to enter stadiums to watch a football match.

In the wake of activation of women’s online purchase of tickets for Iran-Syria football match, Hamisi, Security director of the Iranian Football Federation, announced, “There is not such a thing. There are no plans for women’s presence in the competition and we strongly deny all rumors in this regard.”

People visiting the website selling tickets for Iran-Syria football match, recently noticed that the option for women’s purchase of tickets is active on the website. The option was widely welcomed by the public.

However, the Borhan Mobin Company, running the website issued a statement and declared,
“Dear followers, a disorder in the sale outlet of the website had wrongly activated the option for sale of tickets to women. We hereby, apologize for the inconvenience and reiterate that sale of tickets to ladies is blocked.”

The national teams of Iran and Syria will be meeting on Tuesday, September 5, 2017. They are competing for the 2018 World Cup finals to be held in Russia.

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