Iran: Two women among those arrested in Mashhad

Two women among those arrested in Mashhad

The names of a number of people arrested in the uprising in Mashhad has been recently obtained and they include the names of two women.

A complete list of names of those arrested has not been obtained yet. A large number of young protesters are now in prison and under pressure and torture. Recently, however, the names of six of the arrestees have been obtained which include Ms. Maryam Sinichi, daughter of Ibrahim, and Manijeh Hekmat, daughter of Behrouz.

The remaining four are Ali Fayaz, son of Mehdi; Araz Ghelichzadeh; Yousef Ali Farimani, son of Mehrali; and Seyed Hassan Fatemi Shandizi, son of Syed Maisam.

Over 10,000 of the people of Mashhad took to the streets on December 28, to protest high prices. This sparked nationwide demonstrations and protests lasting for two weeks. Some 8,000 people have been arrested across the country. At least 10 have been killed under torture.

35% of those arrested are high school students and 90% are under 25 years of age.

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