Iran: Sepideh Farhan denied legal counsel and visitations

Sepideh Farhan denied legal counsel and visitations

More than three weeks past the arrest of Sepideh Farhan (Farahabadi), she continues to remain in custody at Ward 209 of Evin Prison without legal counsel or family visits because of ongoing investigations.

Evin’s Ward 209 is run by the mullahs’ Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS).

Sepideh Farhan, 29, is a civil activist, who was arrested by the MOIS on January 2, 2018, in protests in Tehran and taken to Ward 209 of Evin.

One of her relatives said on January 24, that she has only made a few brief phone calls to her family since her arrest. She has not been allowed any family visits and does not have access to any lawyers.

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