Iran: Young women studying at Tehran U protest restrictions in dorm

Young women studying at Tehran U protest restrictions in dorm

Girl students of Tehran University residing at Chamran Dormitory protested on January 30, 2018, to restrictions imposed on them.

They have to enter and leave the dormitory in certain hours and they also have to cover their hair all the time in the all-female complex.

One of the girls who had participated in this protest, explained, “Directors of the dorm had posted a banner in the dormintory stating that everyone has to observe Islamic principles and according to the bylaws they have to observe the veil in the all-female environment of the dorm. They must observe the veil in the open courtyard and in the restaurant. We were told in a meeting that we must also cover our hair in the corridors because some men might enter the building for doing some repair. Whereas men’s presence must take place with prior notice and coordination and in certain hours. Instead of limiting the time of repairs, they prefer to limit and restrict the women in their dormitory and we do not understand the reason for this.”

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