Iran: 5 girl students deprived of boarding for protesting restrictions

5 girl students deprived of boarding for protesting restrictions

The licenses of five young women, students of Tehran University, were not extended to register with Chamran Dormitory for girl students. The students had protested restrictions imposed on women’s entry and exit hours.

Hassan Behnejad, dean of students at Tehran University, confirmed that the licenses for the five girl students had been revoked. He said, “All students of Tehran University have been able to register to use the dormitories, but about five students living in Chamran dormitory of Tehran University who had objected to the dormitory rules on girls’ entry and exit did not succeed to register since security officials have not accepted their applications.” (The state-run Tabnak news website – Feburary 8, 2018)

Girl students residing in Chamran dormitory have protested on several occasions so far to the shortages of the dormitory. Among their demands has been lifting of restrictions on their entry and exit hours.


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