Iran: Atena Daemi’s mother and sister, Soheil Arabi’s mother arrested

Atena Daemi’s mother

Massoumeh Nemati and Haniyeh Daemi, mother and sister of Iranian political prisoner Atena Daemi, and Farangis Mazloumi, mother of political prisoner Soheil Arabi, were arrested Tuesday morning, February 13, 2018, outside the Evin Prison in Tehran. The first two were released after a few hours.

A number civil and human rights activists gathered outside Evin Prison to demand release of those arrested during the urprising, but security forces prevented their assembly and dispersed the crowd. Atena Daemi’s mother and sister were arrested in this place.

On the fourth day of their dry hunger strike, Atena Daemi and Golrokh Iraee are in critical conditions. Atena cannot speak and foams at the mouth. Golrokh is in a state of shock.

Women political prisoners, Atena Daemi and Golrokh Iraee, were beaten up and unlawfully banished from Evin Prison’s Women’s Ward to the notorious Qarchak Prison in Varamin, on January 24, 2018. They are held since in the Quarantine Ward 3. They began their wet hungerstrike on February 3 and turned to dry hunger strike on February 10. They are protesting their unlawful relocation and demand being returned to Evin.

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