Laleh Park Mothers: Executions, terror are signs of regime’s weakness

Laleh Park Mothers

Laleh Park Mothers once again reiterated their demands for abolition of the death penalty and freedom of all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience in a statement published on Tuesday, July 24, 2018.

In parts of the statement issued on Sunday, July 22, 2018, Laleh Park Mothers wrote:

The Iranian regime’s officials could solidify the pillars of their bloody rule in the early years of their coming to power by widespread suppression, intimidation, arrests, torture, execution and assassinations of their opponents.

The question is, are they in a situation, to survive today’s critical conditions by further arrests and detentions, torture and terror, execution and assassination of opponents inside Iran and abroad, and by destroying the unnamed graves of victims of the 1988 massacre? No doubt, they are not going to be able to do so…

The officials of the Iranian regime must be very foolish if they do not understand that the situation is very different today from the early years of their rule, and that they cannot silence and send home the hungry people who are fed up with injustice, discrimination, etc. and long for freedom, by using suppression, lies, and an atmosphere of terror. The more they arrest, torture, and kill and the more they harass and humiliate people, more sectors of society will join the protests with new demands. This was clearly demonstrated last year in the eruption of the uprisings in December 2017/January 2018…

We, the Laleh Park Mothers, once again, reiterate our just demands of abolition of the death penalty, freedom of all political prisoners and prisoners of conscience, and prosecution of the perpetrators and masterminds of all the crimes committed under the Islamic Republic…

We are a small part of the Iranian people’s Call for Justice Movement. We will stand with them and one day, we will restitute our rights and build a humanitarian world, without discriminations, injustice and suppression of freedoms…

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