Political prisoner Atena Daemi refuses to appear before prosecutor

Political prisoner Atena Daemi

Reacting to an oral short notice by prison authorities, political prisoner Atena Daemi refused to appear before the 5th Branch of the Prosecutor’s Office of Evin.

Atena Daemi who is detained at the women’s ward of Evin Prison was verbally notified on Tuesday, November 13, 2018, by the prison authorities that she had been summoned to the Branch 5 of Evin Prosecutor’s Office on November 14, 2018.

Political prisoner Atena Daemi did not appear at the Prosecutor’s Office due to the short notice for the next day, and also because she had not received any writ of subpoena.

In similar cases, such summons has ended up turning into false allegations filed against political prisoners by prison authorities or intelligence agencies. It is unclear why political prisoner Atena Daemi since she has been in jail for four years serving her 15-year sentence.

Political prisoner Atena Daemi along with two of her cellmates, Golrokh Iraee and Maryam Akbari Monfared, were deprived of family visits for three weeks upon an oral notice by the head of the women’s ward. Prison agents argued that the reason for this illegal measure was the prisoners’ verbal conflict, shouting slogans in the meeting hall. The three women political prisoners requested to see the writ of the verdict and the charges stated therein, but the head of the women’s ward said the order had been verbally communicated by Chaharmahali, the prison warden and the prosecutor’s office, and no written document was available.

Political prisoner Atena Daemi has repeatedly proclaimed her positions against the death penalty and the regime’s suppressive measures on various occasions. In a letter dated May 25, 2018, addressing the regime’s officials she wrote, “Yes gentlemen, know that however much you resort to violence and oppression, there are many who prefer to die rather than submit to oppression.”

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