Ban on women’s entrance to sports stadiums underlined for league games

Azadi Stadium hosts token number of women under tight security control

‌Various Iranian regime officials once again underlined the ban on women’s entrance to sports stadiums.

Regarding the ban on women’s entrance to sports stadiums, Amir Mehdi Alavi, the spokesman for Iran’s Football Federation, declared, “Currently it is not possible for women to be present in league games. Representatives of the World Football Federation (FIFA) who had traveled to Tehran, said that only the national games are in their jurisdiction, and that they respect the laws enforced by countries regarding their premier league.” (The state-run – October 14, 2019)

A sports website in Toronto, the World of Sports, wrote that the next national game is going to be in March, so until then, women will not be allowed into stadiums. (The state-run – October 14, 2019)

Also addressing the ban on women’s entrance to sports stadiums, Koroush Bahadori, the general director of the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports in North Khorasan Province, said, “The permit for women’s entrance to sports stadiums is only for Tehran and not good for watching the games in other cities.”

Bahadori who was being interviewed by the official IRNA news agency added, “In light of the follow-ups done by FIFA, the Youth Affairs and Sports Ministry issued permission for women’s entrance to stadiums only for the games of the national team. Under no circumstances are women allowed to enter the 19th of Mehr stadium in Bojnourd to watch the games of Atrak football team.” (The official IRNA news agency – October 13, 2019)

The Iranian officials’ comments as reported by the media come about one month after the death of the young football fanSahar Khodayari, known as “The Blue Girl.” She had attempted to circumvent the ban on women’s entrance to sports stadiums by disguising herself, for which she was arrested and sentenced to six months in prison. Subsequently, she self-immolated in protest to the unjust ruling.

Women who were allowed into Azadi Stadium to watch the Iran-vs.-Cambodia match, felt they owed their presence to Sahar. So, they chanted slogans in her memory. A young woman raised a placard in her name reading, “The Blue Girl of Iran, your name will remain forever.” This act was harshly reacted to by the security forces watching over the women’s stands.


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