A labor activist is summoned to serve her sentence in prison

A labor activist summoned to serve her sentence in prison

Parvin Mohammadi

The Bureau of Implementing Sentences of the 33rd District of Tehran’s Public and Revolutionary Court has summoned Ms. Parvin Mohammadi, a labor activist, to report in and serve her prison sentence of one year.

The Free Union of Iranian Workers announced the news on December 7, 2021.

Ms. Mohammadi is obliged to report to this branch within five days to serve her sentence.

Parvin Mohammadi, a labor activist, is accused of disseminating “propaganda against the state” for speaking to a gathering of retired workers about their demands and giving an interview on the burning of the Plasco Building.

Parvin Mohammadi has been previously arrested and convicted for her peaceful activities in defense of workers’ rights.

Parvin Mohammadi, the Vice President of the Free Union of Iranian Workers, was arrested on January 29, 2019, and imprisoned in Evin Prison until March, when she was released on bail.

She was re-arrested by security forces at a ceremony on the occasion of International Labor Day held in Jahan Nama Park located on Tehran-Karaj Highway on April 26, 2019, and sentenced to one year in prison on the charge of “propaganda against the state.” On December 7, 2019, she was taken to Kachouii Prison in Karaj to serve her sentence among ordinary prisoners. She was released in April 2020.

Ms. Mohammadi has published several open letters exposing the policies of the Iranian regime against the interests of Iranian workers.

In an open letter in January 2019, she wrote,” Shame on the rulers who responded with arrests and imprisonments to 38 days of cries of the steel workers of Ahvaz who demanded their rights. These workers cried out their pains every day on the streets. Their throats turned sore so much that they cried out for their rights.”

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