Women political prisoners beaten and deprived of health care in Iran’s prisons

Women political prisoners beaten and deprived of health care in Iran’s prisons

From left, Melika Gharegozlu, Khadijeh Mehdipour, Samin Ehsani, and Asal Mohammadi

Khadijeh Mehdipour was beaten, Asal Mohammadi and Samin Ehsani are deprived of health care in Iran’s prisons

Women political prisoners have been beaten in Ilam and Evin prisons. The number of women infected by Coronavirus in these prisons has increased while deprived of minimum healthcare.

Political prisoner Khadijeh Mehdipour was beaten in Ilam Prison. Political prisoners Asal Mohammadi, a labor activist, and Samin Ehsani, a Baha’i citizen, have been infected with the Coronavirus in Evin Prison.

Melika Gharagozlu, a student of journalism at Tehran’s Tabatabii University, is still held in detention without standing trial. Her physical and psychological conditions are not good at all.

Beating of political prisoner Khadijeh Mehdipour

Khadijeh Mehdipour, a 34-year-old political prisoner, was beaten and attacked by prisoners convicted of violent crimes.

Prison officials then banned her from making any phone calls right after the incident. Khadijeh Mehdipour has not had any contact with her family in the past week. Ilam Prison’s authorities have banned her from family contacts as a punishment for the alleged charge of blasphemy.

Beating and harassing Ms. Mehdipour was instigated and planned by the prison authorities. Their hirelings barred Khadijeh from entering her ward on the night of Ashura, forcing her to spend the night in the prison’s library.

Khadijeh Mehdipour

Female prisoners infected with coronavirus increases in Evin prison

Labor activist Asal Mohammadi and Samin Ehsani, a Baha’i woman and child rights activist, contracted the Coronavirus in Evin Prison. After being transferred to Evin’s quarantine, the prisoners are denied access to basic medical treatment or care.

No medication has been given to these prisoners since they contracted the Coronavirus. The prison authorities have given the prisoners’ prescriptions to their families, requiring them to purchase the needed medicine.

Labor activist Asal Mohammadi was sentenced to 1 year and 8 months imprisonment. She was transferred to Evin Prison on July 11, 2022, to endure her sentence.

Samin Ehsani is a Baha’i woman who was arrested on June 15, 2022 and transferred to Evin Prison to serve her sentence. Samin was sentenced to 5 years imprisonment by the Revolutionary Court of Tehran.

Ms. Ehsani had set up classes to help Afghan children who were denied the right to education in Iran. This was one of the charges brought against her when given a 5-year prison sentence.

There has been news of a renewed Coronavirus outbreak in the women’s ward over the past few weeks, leading up to an increase in infected prisoners. Political prisoners Parastoo Moini, Fatemeh Mosanna and Forough Taghipour are among those infected with Coronavirus in Evin’s women ward.

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