1,000 Well-Recognized Women Unite for Freedom and Equality in Iran

1,000 Well-Recognized Women Unite for Freedom and Equality in Iran

1,000 Well-Recognized Women Worldwide Rally for Freedom and Gender Equality in Iran

In anticipation of the first anniversary of the Iranian uprising, over 1,000 well-recognized women, including former heads of state, have issued a call to action directed at the international community. Their message emphasizes three key points:

Leading up to the one-year mark of the nationwide uprising that began on September 16, 2022, more than 1,000 well-recognized women have united in signing a statement, urging the international community to stand alongside the Iranian population, with a special focus on women, in their pursuit of freedom.

Among the signatories are 50 former presidents, vice presidents, prime ministers, and ministers, as well as 175 members of Parliament, alongside hundreds of mayors, former parliamentarians, women’s rights activists, scholars, experts, Nobel laureates, and leaders of non-governmental organizations.

The signatories to the statement hail from various parts of the world, including the Western Hemisphere, several European nations, Australia, New Zealand, and the Middle East, representing a wide range of socio-political viewpoints and affiliations. Their collective statement underscores the pioneering role played by women and girls in the 2022 uprising in Iran.

“The regime’s repressive forces tragically claimed the lives of 750 individuals, a significant portion of whom were young women and girls. At least 70 children lost their lives due to the brutal crackdown by the regime,” reads the statement.

The well-recognized women note, “The Iranian people, both women and men, have united behind the demand to dismantle the religious dictatorship and establish a democratic republic characterized by the separation of religion and state and full gender equality.”

They highlight that Iranian women’s prominent role in the struggle has deep roots in a century of resistance against two distinct forms of tyranny: monarchical and religious dictatorships. Iranian women have eloquently expressed their ultimate goals through slogans like “Whether veiled or unveiled, we are heading towards the revolution.”

In a resounding declaration of support, the 1,000 well-recognized women worldwide align their voices with the sentiments of 3,600 parliamentarians worldwide and 123 former presidents and prime ministers. They express solidarity with Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, and her Ten-Point Plan, which advocates for a free, democratic republic and gender equality, particularly the right of women to choose their attire freely.

The signatories urge the international community to take concrete actions in support of the brave women and people of Iran. Specifically, they call upon governments to designate the oppressive and criminal Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist organization and to take decisive measures to hold the regime’s leaders accountable for their crimes.

The text of the statement and a partial list of signatories follow:

Statement of Support for the Resistance of Iranian Women

As we approach the first anniversary of the Iranian people’s uprising for freedom, we, the undersigned, express our solidarity and support for the uprising of the Iranian people, especially women.

On September 16, 2022, a nationwide uprising erupted with women and girls pioneering this revolt. Of the 750 individuals tragically killed by the regime’s repressive forces, a significant number were young women and girls. As a result of the regime’s brutal suppression, at least 70 children lost their lives.

The demand of the Iranian people, both women and men, crystallized in their slogans, is to end the religious dictatorship and establish a democratic republic based on the separation of religion and state and complete gender equality.

In the face of the brutality and savagery of the clerical regime, the world observed the courage and audacity of Iranian women and girls during the uprising. They defied the regime’s oppressive forces, especially the Revolutionary Guards and the Basij, risking their lives with bare hands, and chanted, “Whether veiled or unveiled, we are heading towards the revolution.”

The courage and prominence of women in this struggle did not spontaneously materialize. Rather, it is firmly rooted in a century of Iranian women’s resistance against two distinct forms of tyranny: monarchical and religious dictatorships. Misogyny is a distinct fevature and one of the pillars of the system of velayat-e faqih (absolute clerical rule). The people, especially the youths and women of Iran, are determined to end this medieval dictatorship.

Now, as the ruling mullahs in Iran have once again launched oppressive Guidance patrols in the streets to suppress women and prevent the re-ignition of the uprising, and as the religious tyranny has stepped up executions to continue its rule,

We, the undersigned, express our solidarity with (along with) 3600 parliamentarians worldwide and 123 former presidents and prime ministers, who voiced support for Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, and her Ten-point Plan for a free, democratic republic and gender equality in all spheres, most notably the right of women to freely choose their attire.

We ask the international community to stand with the brave women and people of Iran, place the oppressive and criminal Revolutionary Guards on the terrorist list, and take decisive steps to hold the leaders of the regime accountable for their crimes.

Partial list of Signatories:

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