NCRI discloses documents on 5 women injured in November 2019 protests

The disclosed documents on those injured during November 2019 uprising, including 11 women, reveal the dimensions of the protests and the clerical regime’s brutality

NCRI discloses documents on 5 women injured in November 2019 protests

Seven series of documents of the clerical regime’s National Emergency Organization have been disclosed so far by the Security and Counterterrorism Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI). The documents contain details about the men and women injured during the uprising in Iran in November 2019 who were transferred to hospitals by ambulance.

The documents revealed by the NCRI are related to those injured between November 15 and 18, 2019, and indicate only a small part of the brutality of the clerical regime in cracking down on the protesters.

Based on estimates of the Iranian Resistance, at least 1,500 persons were murdered by security forces in the November uprising. Later, Reuters cited the regime’s Interior Ministry officials who said 400 women were among those killed.

The number of those arrested is estimated at 12,000, many of whom were taken to jail from hospital beds and without receiving complete treatment.

The first series of documents contained information on six injured women and were published by the NCRI Women’s Committee in June.

The details on another five women injured, including two who were 18 years old, were published in the 3rd and 7th series, and are listed below.

Document No. 1

National Emergency Organization, Tehran Province, Tehran Emergency

Date of Mission: November 16, 2019; Ambulance Code: 6034

Name and Surname: Touran Rahimian, 42

Emergency location address: Enghelab Ave. district, Darvazeh Dowlat metro station, the control room

Delivered to Firoozgar Hospital, at 22.45

Symptoms: Tenderness, scars, sweating, nausea, unconsciousness

Notes and Considerations of the Mission: A woman, 42, with no history of illness had trauma in the foot. The patient is fully conscious and understands time and place. Has symptoms of sweating, nausea and vomiting, unconsciousness, d.p. and c.p. She does not mention trauma to other parts of the body. The cornea and neurology are normal. She was admitted to hospital. Her foot was fixed. She was transferred to ambulance by chair and delivered to hospital.


Document No. 2

National Emergency Organization, Tehran Province, Tehran Emergency

Date of Mission: November 18, 2019; Ambulance Code: 6063

Name and Surname: Mahgol Khadem, 18

Emergency location address: District 6, Ferdowsi Square towards Karimkhan, Sepahbod Gharanay Ave., after Taleghani Street, in the beginning of Arak St., Hejab Technical School, two persons injured

Delivered to Firoozgar Hospital, at 12.44

Symptoms: Trauma, beating, scars, tenderness

Notes and Considerations of the Mission: The patient, an 18-year-old woman, complained of trauma in the face and hands. She had the trauma during a fight where she was beaten.

Trauma in the face and right hand. The injured patient with the said symptoms and said measures, and according to the offline protocol and by observing the principles of relocation, was handed over to Firoozgar Hospital.

Document No. 3 

National Emergency Organization, Tehran Province, Tehran Emergency

Date of Mission: November 18, 2019; Ambulance Code: 6063

Name and Surname: Fatemeh Zahra Safiyari, 18

Emergency location address: District 6, Ferdowsi Square towards Karimkhan, Sepahbod Gharanay Ave., after Taleghani Street, in the beginning of Arak St., Hejab Technical School, two persons injured

Delivered to Firoozgar Hospital, at 12.44

Symptoms: Trauma, tenderness, beating

Notes and Considerations of the Mission: An 18-year-old woman with no history of illness complained of trauma in the face. She had the trauma during a fight where she was beaten. The injured patient with the said symptoms and said measures, and according to the offline protocol and by observing the principles of relocation, was handed over to Firoozgar Hospital.


Document No. 4

National Emergency Organization, Tehran Province, Tehran Emergency

Date of Mission: November 19, 2019; Ambulance Code: 6075

Name and Surname: Fatemeh Farhoomand, 39

Emergency location address: District 7, Shariati Avenue towards the south, before Taleghani T-junction, Shahid Javad Kargar Ave., No. 31, unit 6

Delivered to Firoozgar Hospital, at 08.38

Symptoms: Trauma, weakness, contusion, beating

Notes and Considerations of the Mission: The patient is completely conscious. Following being beaten, she had a trauma and hematoma in the sides.


Document No. 5

National Emergency Organization, Tehran Province, Tehran Emergency

Date of Mission: November 17, 2019; Ambulance Code: 3244

Name and Surname: Massoumeh Chakavak, 63

Emergency location address: Riots in District 18, Khalij, No. 2, East Abu-Saeed Ave., Samad Bagheri Ave., Golestan Alley

Delivered to Firoozgar Hospital, at 12.44

Symptoms: hemorrhage, weakness

Delivered to Fayaz Bakhsh Hospital, at 05.08

Notes and Considerations of the Mission: A woman with the said history of illness, was shot in the head, face, left hand. Clinical examinations were done. Vital signs were checked. Consultations were made and after preliminary measures, she was transferred to hospital.


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