Aliyeh Motallebzadeh is exiled to Qarchak Prison

Aliyeh Motallebzadeh is exiled to Qarchak Prison

Aliyeh Motallebzadeh is exiled to Qarchak Prison

On the orders of Tehran’s Prosecutor, the authorities of Evin Prison sent Aliyeh Motallebzadeh, to exile in Qarchak Prison on Monday, January 10, 2022.

An informed source said after the announcement of this news, all the phones in the women’s ward of Evin were disconnected Monday afternoon.

The women’s rights activist and photographer, Aliyeh Motallebzadeh, is the vice-president of the Association of Freedom of the Press in Iran. She began serving her sentence in Evin Prison on October 11, 2020.

The Intelligence Ministry summoned and arrested her on November 26, 2016. She gained her conditional freedom on a 300-million-Toman bail on December 19, 2016.

The Revision Court of Tehran Province finally sentenced her to three years in prison in 2017. The court charged her with assembly and collusion against national security and disseminating propaganda against the state.

Aliyeh Motallebzadeh was deprived of making phone calls after she filed a complaint on April 26, 2021, against detention prisoners in solitary confinement in Evin. The Prosecutor turned down her request for parole.

Fariba Assadi

Fariba Assadi relocated to Qarchak Prison

Civil activist Fariba Assadi was arrested on January 2, 2022, at her home in Tehran. The authorities have now transferred her to the notorious Qarchak Prison to serve her time in prison. The Revolutionary Court of Shahriar had earlier sentenced her to one year in prison.

Fariba Assadi and several others were arrested in February 2021 on charges of disseminating “propaganda against the state” and “membership in opposition groups.”

On December 12, 2021, she received an instruction to report to the 2nd Branch of the Unit for the Implementation of Punitive Verdicts at the Public and Revolutionary Prosecutor’s Office of Shahr-e Qods. The Revolutionary Court of Shahriar issued a one-year sentence for her on October 2, 2021.

Leila Hosseinzadeh

Leila Hosseinzadeh summoned to serve her sentence

Student activist Leila Hosseinzadeh received a directive on January 8, 2022, which instructed her to report in to the First Branch of the Unit for the Implementation of Verdicts in Evin Courthouse to begin serving her sentence. She was given five days to do so.

The 28th Branch of the Revolutionary Court of Tehran upheld a 5-year prison sentence for Leila Hosseinzadeh in December 2021. Amir Raisian, her lawyer, wrote on his Twitter account that her verdict contravened the articles of the clerical regime’s punishment law.

Suffering from intestinal Crohn’s disease, which makes her physically unfit to endure prison conditions, Leila Hosseinzadeh was released on bail of 1.5 billion Tomans from Adelabad Prison of Shiraz on January 2, 2022.

Student activist Leila Hosseinzadeh, 30, was arrested on December 7, 2021, while visiting Shiraz, the capital of Fars Province in southern Iran. After several days of interrogation and torture at a detention center of the Intelligence Department of Shiraz, they send her to Tehran to the Ward 209 of Evin. Then, they sent her back to Adelabad Prison of Shiraz on December 23, 2021.

Shene Ahmadi

Kurdish activist Sheneh Ahmadi

Security forces arrested the female Kurdish activist Sheneh Ahmadi on January 8, 2022, to begin serving her three-month sentence.

Sheneh Ahmadi, 21, lives in Paveh, a city in Kermanshah province. She had been summoned by the Court of Paveh and is presently detained in Kermanshah’s Correctional Center.

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