Day 26 of Iran protests; names of 206 victims of the clampdown

names of 206 victims of the clampdown

Nadia Arefani and Shirin Alizadeh were also reported killed by security forces

Iran protests have continued for 26 days in a row, forging ahead with more sectors joining the protest movement with women leading the way.

On Tuesday, October 11, oil, and petrochemical workers in Abadan and Asaluyeh joined Iran protests by going on strike and clashing with the clerical regime’s security forces.

In Sanandaj, the capital of Kurdistan Province, men, and women stand up to the IRGC guards who attempt to clamp down on the populace and quell their protests.

Student protests

On the other hand, Iranian students held protests at the University of Gilan in Rasht, Tarbiat Modarres University in Tehran, Tarbiat Modarres School of Technology, and the University of Arts in Tehran. They condemned the arrest of students and chanted anti-regime slogans.

The day before, university students held protests at Tehran’s Azad University, Amir Kabir University, Allameh School of Literature, the University of Gilan, the Dental School of Shiraz, Noshirvani University of Babol, the University of Qazvin, Azad University of Arak, Al-Zahra University, etc. (visit the links to watch the videos)

High school students, girls, and boys, also held protests in the past two days in Tehran, Saqqez, Mahabad, Isfahan, and Bandar Anzali, chanting “Death to the dictator.”

Tehran protests spread to low-income districts

There were more reports of protests from various districts of Tehran. On Saturday, large crowds of people marched in Tehran’s low-income Naziabad, Yaftabad, and Galubandak districts.

People also held protests in other cities, including Borazjan (southern Iran), Sanandaj (capital of Kurdistan), Saqqez, Baneh, Divandarreh, Marivan, Bukan (Kurdistan), Kerman (south Iran), Isfahan, Varamin, Karaj, Hamedan, Salas Babajani, Kermanshah, Mashhad, Izeh (Khuzestan), etc.

More women among 206 victims of clampdown

The Iranian Resistance verified the names of 206 victims of the clampdown on Iran protests, including more women.

Nadia Arefani, 23, from Fardis (Karaj), was severely injured during attacks on protesters in Karaj on October 8. She died due to severe injuries on October 9, 2022.

Shirin Alizadeh

Another woman, Shirin Alizadeh, 35, from Isfahan, was shot straight in the head during Ramsar protests on September 22, 2022. Her family was told to keep silent if they wanted to receive her body. 

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