Execution of 4 Female Prisoners in Birjand and Shiraz Prisons

Sharifeh Mohammadi Three Women Nika Shakarami improper veiling participation Masoumeh Senobari Roya Heshmati political prisoner Maryam Akbari Monfared Political prisoners Samira Sabzian female journalists European Parliament Peace Prize NCRI Women’s Committee calls to support women imprisoned in Iran poisoning Veil Watchers 11 political prisoners

In the early hours of Tuesday, July 23, the executioners of the criminal and misogynistic clerical regime executed three female prisoners in Birjand prison.

On Saturday, July 20, another female prisoner was hanged in Adel Abad prison in Shiraz.

The religious fascism ruling Iran holds the world record today for executing women and juveniles who were under the legal age at the time of their alleged crimes.

The increasing trend of such executions after the regime’s presidential election show demonstrates that this regime has no capacity for the slightest flexibility in executions, suppression, and human rights violations.

The Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), while strongly condemning these arbitrary and inhumane executions, calls on human rights and women’s rights advocates, especially the Special Rapporteur on human rights in Iran and the Rapporteur on violence against women, to take immediate action to save the lives of prisoners on death row, particularly female prisoners.

National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) – Women’s Committee

23 July 2024

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