2 brave women collide with a cleric over Hijab warning

Suppression of women, 50 lashes for participants in a Yoga class

300 activists opposing the compulsory Hijab are arrested

Two brave women in Hidaj city, NW Iran, broke the silence and clashed with a mullah who gave them a Hijab warning.

The mullah, Fattahi, gave the Hijab warning at 6 p.m. when confronted with the two in the central district of Abhar County, Zanjan Province. He told the women to watch out for what they wore! The two women collided with the cleric when hearing the Hijab warning (The state-run mojerasa.ir – September 2, 2022).

The Secretary of Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil (EGFE) Headquarters said more than 50 percent of women were improperly veiled.

He stressed that according to religious criteria, a woman with one strand of hair exposed is a criminal and should be arrested. He affirmed further repression of women by saying, “Unfit laws mainly prevent the establishment of the chastity and hijab issue” (The state-run Mehr News Agency- August 19, 2022). He even stated that segregation of girls and boys contributes to science advancement! “What’s wrong with gender segregation in universities?”

The former deputy Commander of the State Security Force (SSF), Bahman Kargar, thanked his staff and said, “We must kiss the police hands who deal with hijab-rejection on streets” (The state-run Fars News Agency – August 22, 2022).

Asadollah Badamchian, secretary-general of the Islamic Motalefeh Party, commented that anyone who wants to live in Iran must have the Hijab (The state-run ILNA News Agency – August 22, 2022).

SSF agents brutalizing young women in a park

300 women arrested for defying the Hijab rules

The Headquarters for Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil spokesperson announced that they had arrested 300 heads of networks. He said they had made the arrests with the collaboration of the State Security Force and the Intelligence Ministry. (The state-run jahannews.com, September 4, 2022)

Seyyed Ali Khan Mohammadi said the heads of networks were active in fighting the Hijab. He said they had identified them during their inspections of government departments and offices.

New tools for suppressing women

Mohammad Reza Nasseri, the representative of the mullahs’ supreme leader in Yazd Province, emphasized the need to form an EGFE organization linked to the Judiciary. Mohammad Reza Nasseri discussed the matter in a meeting with the Head of Judiciary, Gholamhossein Mohseni-Ejei.

Nasseri spoke about how the EGFE organization can handle the people’s turn of mind. He considered the setup to solve training and legal matters related to such activities.

The regime recently made plans to impose fines on women’s clothing.

The fines are said to be 300,000 tomans when a woman’s scarf falls, 150,000 tomans for not wearing a lengthy body cover, 100,000 tomans for wearing a front-open long cloak, and 85,000 tomans for using heavy makeup (The state-run imna.ir – August 22, 2022).

The regime uses numerous tools to suppress Iranian women, including violent confrontations by the vice patrols and the prohibition of providing public services to women who are improperly veiled. State agents also use the subway or city-level cameras to identify improperly veiled women, arrest and issue prison sentences, and determine fines for women.

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