Iran: The misogynist clerical regime is responsible for provoking women’s murder

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Iran: The misogynist clerical regime is responsible for provoking women’s murder

The Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) expresses its shock over the horrific murder and beheading of the 17-year-old Mona Heydari and its public display by her husband. This crime results from four decades of medieval and misogynist rule of the clerical regime and its inhuman laws, which do not accord women any rights.

In downplaying the heinous murder, the repressive State Security Force (SSF) commander in Ahvaz said the motive for Mona Heydari’s murder, was “family problems!”

The clerical laws give parents the right to force their girls to marry as child brides and allow men to abuse women and give them green light to torture and even murder women. That’s why on average, every year in Iran, 450 women are victims of honor-killing and domestic murders by their husbands, fathers, or brothers.

The Women’s Committee of the NCRI calls on all human rights and women’s rights organizations to strongly condemn the inhuman clerical regime for its laws and criminal acts against women.

National Council of Resistance of Iran – Women’s Committee

February 7, 2022

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