Senobar Jalali, the 4th woman executed in one week in Iran

Senobar Jalali, the 4th woman executed in one week in Iran

On Wednesday, July 27, 2022, an Afghan national named Senobar Jalali was executed in Gohardasht Prison of Karaj. The execution brings to 140 the number of women executed in Iran since the summer of 2013.

Senobar Jalali was imprisoned in Qarchak Prison. She was transferred from ward 7 of Qarchak Prison on Tuesday, July 26, and moved to solitary confinement in Gohardasht Prison.

Senobar Jalali had murdered her husband in a family fight. An informed source said, “I was with her in ward 5. She tried very hard to get released. She worked hard in prison, washing dishes and clothes. She was nervous but hopeful for freedom. She constantly worked. She was supposed to pay the blood money according to the rules of Afghanistan and spend time in prison for the rest of it. But they executed her.”

The execution of Senobar Jalali in Gohardasht Prison took place on the same day as the executions of Soheila Abedi in the Central Prison of Sanandaj and Farank Beheshti in the Central Prison of Urmia.

The clerical regime sent three women to the gallows on the same day.

On July 21, 2022, Robab Danaii was executed in the Prison of Yazd, central Iran. The regime has thus executed four women in only one week.

Senobar Jalali was a victim of domestic violence

The Iranian regime has embarked on an execution spree in recent months under Ebrahim Raisi.

The NCRI Women’s Committee has previously announced that many of the women executed by the mullahs’ regime are victims of domestic violence against women and have acted in self-defense.

The Iranian regime open-handedly uses the death penalty in Iran as a form of punishment. In many cases, religious and ethnic minorities, political dissidents, and women are targets of the death penalty in a discriminatory manner.

In 2019, the mullahs’ regime hanged 16 women in tandem with increasing suppression and executions in Iran. In December 2019, six women were executed by the regime in various Iranian prisons.

The regime also executed 18 women in 2021, seven from November 22 to December 21, 2021.

Many women are currently on death row in Iran.

On July 15, 2022, a woman named Mina received the death penalty in Tehran. (The state-run – July 15, 2022)

183 women on death row in Iran

According to documents from the mullahs’ regime, the Iranian Resistance declared mid-May 2022 that 183 women in the regime’s prisons were on death row or sentenced to death by retribution (Qesas).

Death by retribution is carried out on persons convicted of murder, regardless of their motives.

During a series of major revelations, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) published extensive information obtained from the clerical regime’s judicial system, including the Prisons Organization.

According to the statistics registered by the office of the Prisons Organization, 5,197 people are on death row or sentenced to Qesas (retribution in kind).

Of these, 1,366 are sentenced to death, including 39 women. Another 3,831 prisoners, including 144 women, have a sentence of Qesas or retribution.

Sixty death row prisoners were under 18 at the time of the alleged offense in 2020.

The documents also list the names of 51 persons, including 23 women, sentenced to death by stoning and 107 prisoners sentenced to amputation.

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