Sakineh Parvaneh, a Kurdish Political prisoner, deprived of access to medical services

Political Prisoner Sakineh Parvaneh Zahra Shafeii and Others Standing Strong in Captivity

Kurdish political prisoner Sakineh Parvaneh

Kurdish political prisoner, Sakineh Parvaneh, is deprived of access to medical services.

Ms. Parvaneh has been detained in the Central Prison of Mashhad (Vakilabad Prison) since March, serving her 7.5 years of imprisonment.

She has also faced restrictions in her telephone calls with her family over the past few months. The authorities of the Central Prison of Mashhad have restricted her phone contacts to short calls in the presence of prison guards and provided that she speaks in Farsi with her family.

The last time Sakineh Parvaneh was arrested was on April 4, 2023.

She had been arrested less than a month before, on March 7, and released after four days.

The 5th Branch of the Revolutionary Court of Mashhad has condemned political prisoner Sakineh Parvaneh to 7.5 years of imprisonment for insulting Ali Khamenei, the mullahs’ supreme leader, “propaganda against the state,” and “having contact and cooperation with foreign media.” Judge Mansouri informed her of her sentence on September 25, 2023.

The judge has reportedly said that 2.5 years from her previous sentence will be added to the new verdict.

Background on the resistant Kurdish prisoner Sakineh Parvaneh

Sakineh Parvaneh was born in 1988. In early autumn of 2019, security agents arrested her because she had visited her family in Soleimaniya, in the Kurdistan of Iraq. They took her to the Iran-Iraq border. She was detained for ten days in the detention centers of Marivan and Sanandaj. She was subsequently transferred to the Evin Prison in Tehran.

She underwent harsh interrogations under psychological and physical torture in Ward 2A, Ward 209, and the women’s ward of Evin. During this time, she was deprived of having visitations.

In March 2020, after she wrote graffiti on the walls of Evin, she was sent to the notorious Qarchak Prison, where she was detained in solitary confinement for four days with handcuffs and foot cuffs. Then, prison guards took her to Aminabad Psychiatric Hospital in Shahr-e Rey. After 25 days in Aminabad, the resistant Kurdish prisoner Sakineh Parvaneh was returned to the quarantine ward of Qarchak Prison.

On May 25, 2020, she went on a hunger strike to protest, being sentenced to 5 years in prison, banned for two years from membership in political groups, and detained in conditions where the category of their crimes did not separate prisoners.

On July 4, 2020, she was returned to Evin Prison while bearing scars and bruises from being beaten. In August, she was sentenced to another two years for “rioting in prison.”

The resistant Kurdish prisoner Sakineh Parvaneh went on a hunger strike several times in Evin.

On October 27, 2020, she was relocated from the women’s ward of Evin to the Prison of Quchan. She was sent to a solitary cell on Monday, November 9, 2020, in response to her hunger strike since October 31 in protest of her possible relocation again to the Prison of Isfahan. On the eighth day of her hunger strike, she sewed her lips. But in these same conditions, she was brutalized and beaten by guards.

On December 13, 2020, Sakineh Parvaneh was taken from Quchan Prison to the Central Prison of Mashhad, where she was deprived of family visitation and banned from calling home.

The IRGC pressured Ms. Parvaneh to make forced confessions against herself.

The resistant Kurdish prisoner Sakineh Parvaneh was serving the fourth year of her sentence when she was released from Vakilabad Prison in Mashhad on February 15, 2023.

According to reports on social media, the IRGC confiscated all Sakineh Parvaneh’s registration documents about four years ago.

Despite her release from prison, her documents were not returned to her. As a result, Ms. Parvaneh faced difficulties in basic aspects of her life, such as renting a house, finding employment, purchasing a mobile phone SIM card, and other essential matters.

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